Saturday, July 04, 2009

El Mirador

Hello to all!

What a great day! For those of you who really know me, you know that I spend a lot of time stressing the little things. Last night was a restless night, knowing that today was the day we were getting my room was a little cold. The night air was really cool.
My day started about half past 5 just thinking about how I would address everyone once we were out there. Silly right....right!
What an amazing day as we got to re-acquaint ourselves with everyone. I held a little devotional about creation, since we were standing in the midst of an amazing, lush green area! It felt almost like we were a jungle....banana trees, exotic flowers and just beautiful bright red bougainvillea!

We got a chance to break the ice with a few fun relay races and the gringo girls proceeded to beat the Peruvian women from the barrio. We mixed in a little volleyball and a walk to the top of one of the rocks surrounding El Mirador to take some pictures.

We wrapped up our day with the group with Dans testimony. Dans testimony seemed to spark some emotion from many in the group. One of Peruvian men was asked pray one of four prayers. His was so emotional and the amazing moment of prayer being said in two different languages....Rosa prayed....Yoler prayed(his was the emotional heart felt), I prayed and Loys finished up. It just seems like there are certain things that transcend language. Prayer and emotion are two of them. It was so moving that one of my team members had a moment. Tori was just so taken by the moment she got emotional too. What a great day!

Thanks to all of you who are keeping my team in your prayers! They so welcomed and we feel them.

Have a great evening!

Love Mitch

1 comment:

Judy said...

Hi Mitch. Great pictures you added. You continue to be in our prayers.
Blessings, MOM