Friday, July 06, 2007

One more day left. I can´t believe how fast our visit to Villa Hermosa went.

Today we finished another house and then dedicated it to Jennette. What was so awesome was that as we gathered in a circle and blessed the house, Jennette was that last one to pray! She really loves the Lord! Another group of men worked on a house for Junior. They may get close to finishing it tomorrow.

The rest of the afternoon was spent loving on the elderly. We are told that they are another part of the forgotten in this country. We gave out rice and sugar to nearly every one of the 30 that attended. We raffled off big baskets of food and blankets. Then we played bingo with them.

Tonight, the traditional bonfire next to the Pacific Ocean in Huanchaco. We had hamburgers and french fries.

That is it for tonight. Tomorrow is the final day in the barrio. It is sure to be an emotional day. We will be painting the soccer/basketball court and applying floride to the children´s teeth.

God Bless,

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