Sunday, July 08, 2007

Good Sunday morning from Lima!

We left Trujillo early last night. Five of our group is will be on their way back to Phoenix....mid morning Lima time. The rest of us are catching a flight to Cuzco and then on to Machu Picchu.

We had quite the day on Saturday. We spend the morning treating nearly 300 kids team with fluoride treatments. Amazing at how bad their teeth are. We are leaving some money behind to get a dentist out to get some help to some children who are having some major dental problems.

The first part of our afternoon was spent painting the concrete soccer field. That is where the majority of our activities happened last year. Of course, we had the community center this year.

The second half of the afternoon was spent watching a special program that all of the youth had put together. This was where a lot of tears began to flow. It was an awesome send off. I can't wait to put some pictures up when I get home to share some more of the memories. Carolina...the young lady that I baptized....well, her mother told me I had to come back next year....she had two other children she wanted me to baptize. I will be adding the picture of my family in Peru when I get back as well.

We are set to head to the airport. Keep these people in your prayers. There are a lot of obstacles that are tossed in their paths!

Love to all!

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