Monday, July 06, 2009

Monday, July 6th

Hello to all!

I do not have a lot to add tonight. It has been a real good day. We spent the day in Trujillo taking in some of the local sights. Even though Dan, Kris and I have seen many of the sights we saw today, it was fun to take the new team members to the Plaza de Armas.

We took them to the city center to give them a sense of the European-Spanish influence in architecuture. We took them to the Mercado at the city center. It is always fun see there eyes when we walk into the meat market and they see all of the hanging chickens, beef and the like.

We then went to do a little shopping....some found some souviniers to bring back home. I am finding it more enjoyable to watch everyone shop than actually spending the extra money.

We also had a chance to go to the new offices for Project New Hope International. They are renting an entire building that will be put to good us. They are planning to start to help some of the battered and beaten women. They will also use some of the space for the University program and some space will be used for the City Church and their services.

We have not seen a lot of the sun since we have been here. I would guess that temperatures have been 70 degrees each day and cloudy. No rain.....just no sun. It has been very pleasant with some cool nights. I think I may have to ask for an extra blanket before I head to bed.

Tomorrow.....back to the barrio for a morning of work. Looks like we will be doing some dry wall. We are planning a visit to some of the house church leaders to give them a gift and pray with them. Then in the afternoon we are going to treat some 30 women.....non-believers to a spa day. We are going to given them manicures.

Have a blessed evening!

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