Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sunday, July 13

Well....up early this morning for breakfast....make sure our bags are packed and catch our flight from Trujillo to Lima.

Once in Lima we were picked up by a friend who arranges tours around Peru. We took in a little of the Peruvian culture with a visit to a museum full of ancient artifacts and mummy's. We were unable to view the mummy's due to the earth quake of last year that affected the coastal areas from Lima and south of there. We got a real history lesson though of all the different so called dynasty's of the country. Very interesting!

From there it was off for some lunch. There is quite the Asian influence....specifically Chinese. They are quite proud of the food that is a mixture of Peruvian and Chinese. It was very good.
After lunch we visited one of many catholic churches in the city. This one of the oldest with three different levels of Catacombs. They used the catacombs for burying monks, benefactors and in later years commoners.

Our stay in Peru ended with a visit to Mira Flores, where we did a little shopping. We visited one of the Indian markets. I think in three years I have done enough shopping that I have learned to keep my hands out of my pockets. It is a very neat part of town though. We almost go stuck down there due to a festival of some kind. There had been a very large parade during the day and we were leaving with enough time to get to the airport to check in and get through to our international flight. I am thankful that we had a very good driver....he forced his way through some of the traffic, all the while looking out for our safety.

Our flight home was uneventful....with one exception. If you have ever been out of the country you know that you fill out an immigration form when you arrive to your destination. You are told to not lose the bottom portion of your form because you need it to leave the country. I reminded my team going in of that and guess who ended up losing his form...yep! Me!!!!! I ended up having to pay a $15 Sole fine. Not bad.....about $5 U.S.

We arrive back in Phoenix late morning on Monday. It is good to be home to see my family and will be good to get back to the normal routine...but sure do miss the people back in Trujillo! I also miss the weather. It was 65 or 70 everyday. I got home and it was humid and the monsoons are underway.

Please keep our brothers and sisters in Trujillo in your prayers...they are growing in the faith! What generous, awesome people they are! We love them dearly and will continue to pray for them everyday. I pray daily for Loys and Theresa and his family and Mike and Dannel and their family for the awesome sacrifices they are making to take God's word to all nations!

Mitch & Anna

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