Monday, July 07, 2008

Monday, July 7

Hello to all,

We had a day off to play tourist today. Our morning started like every other day, except we drove about 45 minutes south of Trujillo to see some of the businesses that the project has started.

We toured a farm where they have milking cows, guinia pig, and snails. They have worked out some interesting relationships to really start producing in all three of the areas. They will send out their first shipment of snails to Europe very soon. They have different contracts already in place with some of the mines to sell the guinia pigs to the workers for food. Here, they are a delicacy! I am hoping that when we tour Lima that I can try some of it. We´ll see.

We also tour Huaca de Luna! Many of you have heard me describe this site from my first trip to Trujillo. It was one of the early civilizations in Peru. It dates to about 700 years after Christ. It is a very intersting site.....5 different temples built one on top of the other as power changed hands.
This evening we had dinner at Mike and Danell´s. They had a local friend of theirs come in and cook us some traditional Peruvian dishes. It was all very good. A lot of fried food. And we had a little fun on top of it.
Check it out!!!!

Tomorrow, we will return to the barrio. We are going to dig in deep and get some construction work done in the morning. Then in the afternoon a lesson with the women. We are going to talk about confessing your sins. We will be doing this in group settings...much like small groups. The barrio directors are trying to ecourage small groups for studying.

Until tomorrow night! Good night! Buenes Noches!

Mitch & Anna

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