Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Thirty Days and Counting

Welcome back to my Peru Blog. For those of you who are on my e-mail blast, you will have seen much of the information that I am posting. For those that are here for the first time.....the countdown has begun. I will be making my third trip back to Trujillo, Peru. I travel with a group of people from Chandler Christian Church in Chandler, Arizona to help missionary's Mike and Danell Butka and Loys and Theresa.
The main purpose of our trip is to build relationships and show them the love of Christ and the hope that they can have in him.
If you would like more information about the project and Project New Hope International....please check out the following link.

I truly believe in the efforts of John Hendee and the rest of those involved in the project. Good things are happening and progress in being realized.

I am leading the trip this year and will be joined by 7 others, including my wife Anna. I am so bless to have such a wonderful wife! She has been so supportive of my yearly trips to Peru and I am so pleased she will be joining me! Here is the team that has come together for this years trip!
(Top:(Left to Right) Esaiah Harlan, Roger Winkles, Kristin Shermer, Glenn Bedal Bottom:(Left to Right) Anna Otto, Mitch Otto, John Spidle, David Spidle)

If you are here for the first time and are a believer...I welcome your prayers! We have many needs for our trip include protection for my team and our families that we leave behind. Safe travel both going and coming home! Protection while we are in the barrio! And for guidance as we carry out the plans that we have.


Anonymous said...

I am so excited for your group this year! Yhe Blog looks great!
Love you Dad,

Anonymous said...

You remain in our prayers.
God bless and keep you and surround you with his Angels.
So glad that you are there too this year Anna,

Love ya both,

MOM and Dad