Monday, July 09, 2007

We had a day full of sight seeing today. I thought we were going into the Scared Valley. That will come on Wednesday. Today we spent some time around Cuzco visiting the various Inca ruins. Amazing how they were able to move such large blocks of rock and move them into place.
This is in a place above Cuzco called Sacsayhuaman. It is actually pronounced Sexy Woman.

Also amazing is how the Conquistadors came into this culture and nearly completely buried an ancient civilization. Any place you see a Catholic Church is where a royal palace once stood.

The Incas were so intelligent. They had an aqua duct system to move water from high in the hills all the way into Cuzco.

Tonight we went to one of the cultural centers and were treated to an hour long show. We got to see a number of various Peruvian dances. Their outfits are so colorful and the dances so full of expression.

Tuesday is an early day. We will get on the train for a four hour ride to Machu Picchu. This is what we have all been waiting for. It is even more exciting now that is considered one of the 7 Wonders of the World.


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