Monday, July 02, 2007

Day 4.....A day off!

Not much to report back today. We made a trip into Trujillo to the Mercado! Lots and lots of stuff being sold there. Chickens, pigs etc....skinned and hanging for purchase. I bought an avocado the size of softball. Mmmmmm. Good stuff.
We spent some time in the city center as well. We visited a number of places that we went last year. There are 6 new members on the team and it was fun to go back and kind of show them around a bit.
The rest of the afternoon, many on the team went to buy some souvenirs around Haunchaco. Francisco and I spent some time together this afternoon. Francisco is from Mexico, but now lives in Arizona and is a physician. We took about a 15 minute walk up a hill to a Catholic Church that was established by the Spanish Conquistadors. They built the church over the alter of the native Indians. I really enjoy my time with Franciso. We have really seen our friendship grow. He has an awesome impact on the teen males in barrio. What an amazing servant!

We are hitting the sack early for a long day in the barrio tomorrow morning. We will be doing a lot of construction projects. There are a couple of houses that have been started. We are going to try and complete them. We are also going to work on a medical clinic. A lot to be done in the barrio over the next 4 or 5 days.

Good night!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Dad!
That is so nice yopu got a day off to get to know the area. I bet there is so much history there. A medical facility, WOW. That is going to be so nice for them to have. What will they all e doing in the building?
Have a great Tuesday!
By the way it weird only making a lil bit of coffee for mom and me and watching the Today Show alone! LOL
Any who I LUV YOU! talk at ya later dad!